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Gilles Chehade

Roses are red, violets are blue, can’t be fucked to write this, so lorem ipsum for you.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porttitor ultrices leo, sed mattis dolor iaculis sed. Pellentesque et suscipit dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt tempor vulputate. Phasellus ultrices rutrum vehicula. Mauris elementum tincidunt dapibus. Nam accumsan nisi quis hendrerit cursus. Nulla felis lectus, mattis vitae felis et, ultricies interdum ex. Donec consequat risus et nunc sodales, vel pharetra ante pellentesque. Praesent at sodales sapien, ac semper ante. Nulla facilisi.

Sed pulvinar eu ipsum et malesuada. Proin in porttitor dolor. Fusce non risus magna. Mauris vehicula convallis tristique. Morbi faucibus nunc in velit tempus interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla aliquam venenatis nulla, tincidunt sollicitudin erat commodo blandit. Nulla sodales mollis nibh. Duis scelerisque posuere nulla sed egestas. Donec dui arcu, bibendum id risus eu, cursus interdum lectus. Aliquam interdum scelerisque risus eget aliquet.


Out of my cave, lots of updates
·6280 words·30 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology OpenBSD OpenSMTPD Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I have been silent for a while due to personal matters but I did a ton of stuff on OpenSMTPD, plakar and a handful of other projects.
Fuck you, 2023. Be nice, 2024.
·963 words·5 mins
Gilles Chehade
TL;DR: A personal retrospective of 2023 2023 was a shit year # I usually enjoy doing these yearly posts, looking back at what I did and planning what I’ll do, but 2023 was a shit year.


Plakar: an avalanche of changes
·2625 words·13 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: Significant refactoring to improve its performance, implemented read and write semaphores to throttle chunkers and reduce memory usage, introduced a repository index and packfiles to decrease the number of I/O operations, also intrioduced a new HTTP storage backend.
Plakar: a TON of changes
·3855 words·19 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: TL;DR: a lot of work in plakar, but also on CDC and index optimization. Optimized go-fastcdc # I ran into a benchmark which included my implementation of the FastCDC algorithm, and it made me realise that it was not on par with alternative implementations:
Plakar: vfs importer interface
·1586 words·8 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I reworked the virtual filesystem layer in plakar, making it possible to write custom importers of data: use plakar to backup an s3 bucket, for instance.
Building my own guitar, part 4
·325 words·2 mins
Gilles Chehade
Music Guitar Diy
TL;DR: Came back from vacation, started working on the neck but realised I really needed more tools. Luckily, I could get some that weren’t too expensive.
Plakar: snapshot forking and tagging
·2064 words·10 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: plakar gained two minor features, snapshots fork-ing and snapshots tagging, which makes it possible to unlock several major new features in a relatively short future.
Implementing a system call for OpenBSD
·3090 words·15 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Kernel C OpenBSD
TL;DR: I found a printed copy of an assignment I had to do in 2005 back when I was a student to implement a system call for OpenBSD and Linux.
Building my own guitar, part 3
·754 words·4 mins
Gilles Chehade
Music Guitar Diy
TL;DR: Received the new neck and… it fits perfectly ! The neck # UPS just delivered the new neck, which is a 24 frets PRS clone:
2023-Q2: music, unity, xgb, jujulang, setdb and opensmtpd
·2187 words·11 mins
Gilles Chehade
TL;DR: music and unity training, a bit of X programming in Go, began a journey in Jujulang a new languae, wrote a PoC set database called setdb, did some minor OpenSMTPD stuff.
You're invited to join my Discord server
This is a chat server where I hang out, discuss my projects and sometimes screencast as I work on them.

Feel free to hop in, talk about your own projects, share your thoughts: this is a virtual coworking room for anyone to join.