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Gilles Chehade

Roses are red, violets are blue, can’t be fucked to write this, so lorem ipsum for you.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec porttitor ultrices leo, sed mattis dolor iaculis sed. Pellentesque et suscipit dolor. Suspendisse tincidunt tempor vulputate. Phasellus ultrices rutrum vehicula. Mauris elementum tincidunt dapibus. Nam accumsan nisi quis hendrerit cursus. Nulla felis lectus, mattis vitae felis et, ultricies interdum ex. Donec consequat risus et nunc sodales, vel pharetra ante pellentesque. Praesent at sodales sapien, ac semper ante. Nulla facilisi.

Sed pulvinar eu ipsum et malesuada. Proin in porttitor dolor. Fusce non risus magna. Mauris vehicula convallis tristique. Morbi faucibus nunc in velit tempus interdum. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla aliquam venenatis nulla, tincidunt sollicitudin erat commodo blandit. Nulla sodales mollis nibh. Duis scelerisque posuere nulla sed egestas. Donec dui arcu, bibendum id risus eu, cursus interdum lectus. Aliquam interdum scelerisque risus eget aliquet.

May 2022: yet again, tons of plakar stuff
·4544 words·22 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: tons of plakar work, most notably on indexes, performances, clone & sync and fuse. Code-unrelated work # I’ll start with code unrelated work !
April 2022:, plakar refactor and ssh support
·2453 words·12 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I refactored internal structures to split metadata from the index, implemented an stdio server and finally added SSH support. The website # A project needs a website so… I published the plakar.
April 2022: plakar keys and UI stuff
·1516 words·8 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I did key and UI stuff, mostly search related. There’s going to be plenty of images in this post. Reworked plakar keys # I won’t expand much on that as I’m not done yet, but I spent a couple days reworking the way plakar handles keys for encrypted repositories.
March 2022: plakar clone and plakar sync
·820 words·4 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: implemented cloning and synchronization between plakar repositories Slacked a bit # Shortly after I published my yearly retrospective, I was hit with two highly annoying personal issues that kept me very busy these last two months.
Farewell 2021, Welcome 2022: a personal post
·1546 words·8 mins
Gilles Chehade
TL;DR: A retrospective of 2021 2021 was a good year overall # Pandemic and lock-downs set aside, 2021 was a good year overall. I’ve really enjoyed my daytime job, my physical health was fine, my mental health was… meh… but ok, I guess.
December 2021: a bit of plakar, a bit of go-fastcdc and some useless stuff
·2438 words·12 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I worked on plakar, go-fastcdc a FastCDC implementation for plakar, and some useless stuff. This activity report will be short # This activity report will be short because I spent the last ten days caring for my kid who got sick… before catching his stomach bug myself and spending the last few days in a somewhat familiar and unpleasant hell, unable to do everything I intended for this month.
October 2021: mostly Plakar
·2681 words·13 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I have a discord now, feel free to join. I refactored plakar, implemented a local cache, improved parallelism, modified the push strategy, played with fuse and networking.
November 2021: a bit of go-ipcmsg, a bit of go-privsep and a ton of plakar
·4020 words·19 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I still have a discord, feel free to join. I worked on go-ipcmsg to make it nicer, go-privsep to make it more useable, and A LOT on plakar to make it plakar.
August 2021: taking a break
·635 words·3 mins
Gilles Chehade
TL;DR: this is a short article, no TL;DR. Why so calm ? # As some of you know, I was diagnosed a few years ago with generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder and alexithymia, a trait that makes it particularly difficult for me to cope with the disorders.
Mind hacking: comprendre comment fonctionne notre esprit
·6319 words·30 mins
Gilles Chehade
TL;DR: J’explique superficiellement comment fonctionne notre esprit, en partant du corps, puis de notre sens de la réalité, avant de finir par les états de conscience et personnalités.
You're invited to join my Discord server
This is a chat server where I hang out, discuss my projects and sometimes screencast as I work on them.

Feel free to hop in, talk about your own projects, share your thoughts: this is a virtual coworking room for anyone to join.