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Some OpenSMTPD overview, part 3
·2351 words·12 mins
Gilles Chehade
EHLO, This is the third post of a series about OpenSMTPD improvements that have taken place since this summer. Content altering # For a long time, we have developed OpenSMTPD with a strict rule that the daemon should not alter DATA (as in the DATA SMTP phase) in any way.
Some OpenSMTPD overview, part 2
·1073 words·6 mins
Gilles Chehade
Why we killed the MFA (filter) process # For as long as I can remember, a process called MFA was created by OpenSMTPD at start time.
Some OpenSMTPD overview, part 1
·1341 words·7 mins
Gilles Chehade
EHLO world ! # Yesterday I thought I’d write a first OpenSMTPD-related post to sum up the changes that have happened since this summer but it turned out to be painful as they amount to quite a lot.
what the fsck did just happen
·416 words·2 mins
Gilles Chehade
Good news everyone ! With last post dating from almost a year, we can all agree that I’ve outpassed my slacking skills by a great margin and I probably deserve an award of some kind ;-)
OpenSMTPD improvements summary
·2192 words·11 mins
Gilles Chehade
Hey, No OpenSMTPD news since almost a month… time to break the trend ! As far as I’m concerned, I’ve been busy with other work but still a git log shows that between Eric and I we have accumulated quite a few things during this month.
·2645 words·13 mins
Gilles Chehade
EHLO readers, This blog post is the first since a few months, I’ve been busy and struggling with some personal health and familial issues. I won’t share them here as its not really something anyone can help with, so… let’s focus on OpenSMTPD !
OpenSMTPD: table_proc, queue_proc, crypto queue and other stuff
·1541 words·8 mins
Gilles Chehade
Yop, This week has been very productive with several tickets closed and more about to be closed. Eric has done an amazing work as you will soon realize ;-)
News from the front
·1013 words·5 mins
Gilles Chehade
OHAI, I have not updated this blog since the release of OpenSMTPD 5.3, over a month ago. In the meantime, some minor bugs have been fixed and we have released OpenSMTPD 5.
OpenSMTPD 5.3 released
·515 words·3 mins
Gilles Chehade
OHAI ! I’ve stayed silent for the last month as we got ready for the big thing… Charles, Eric and I are proud to announce the release of OpenSMTPD 5.
OpenSMTPD: minor fixes + preparing release
·672 words·4 mins
Gilles Chehade
OHAI, We had planned to slow down a bit to prepare for release: no more feature, no more invasive changes until we tag something out of which we can publish a release.
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