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Legal Notice


This website is owned and operated by Gilles CHEHADE, registered as an auto-entrepreneur under the SIRET number 515 053 908 00031, located at 30 Boulevard de l’estuaire, 44200 Nantes, France.

If you need to contact Gilles CHEHADE, you can send an email to:


Gilles CHEHADE’s activities are covered by an insurance contract with AIG, under the contract number RD01416644U.

Website Hosting

This website is self-managed by Gilles CHEHADE and is hosted by

The physical servers of the site are located in the various data centers of In case of a complaint regarding the site or its content, Gilles CHEHADE can be contacted via the email mentioned above.

Data Retention Policy

We respect your privacy. Our website does not use cookies or trackers. We do not collect any personal data about our visitors, except for IP addresses, timestamps, and pages visited. This information is collected in accordance with French law and is only used for the purpose of security and analytics. This data is not shared with any third parties and is not used for any other purposes.

Any changes to this privacy policy will be posted on this page. Please check back frequently to see any updates or changes to our privacy policy.

This policy was last updated on July 18, 2023.

You're invited to join my Discord server
This is a chat server where I hang out, discuss my projects and sometimes screencast as I work on them.

Feel free to hop in, talk about your own projects, share your thoughts: this is a virtual coworking room for anyone to join.