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Out of my cave, lots of updates
·6280 words·30 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology OpenBSD OpenSMTPD Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I have been silent for a while due to personal matters but I did a ton of stuff on OpenSMTPD, plakar and a handful of other projects.
Fuck you, 2023. Be nice, 2024.
·963 words·5 mins
Gilles Chehade
TL;DR: A personal retrospective of 2023 2023 was a shit year # I usually enjoy doing these yearly posts, looking back at what I did and planning what I’ll do, but 2023 was a shit year.


Plakar: an avalanche of changes
·2625 words·13 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: Significant refactoring to improve its performance, implemented read and write semaphores to throttle chunkers and reduce memory usage, introduced a repository index and packfiles to decrease the number of I/O operations, also intrioduced a new HTTP storage backend.
Plakar: a TON of changes
·3855 words·19 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: TL;DR: a lot of work in plakar, but also on CDC and index optimization. Optimized go-fastcdc # I ran into a benchmark which included my implementation of the FastCDC algorithm, and it made me realise that it was not on par with alternative implementations:
Plakar: vfs importer interface
·1586 words·8 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: I reworked the virtual filesystem layer in plakar, making it possible to write custom importers of data: use plakar to backup an s3 bucket, for instance.
Building my own guitar, part 4
·325 words·2 mins
Gilles Chehade
Music Guitar Diy
TL;DR: Came back from vacation, started working on the neck but realised I really needed more tools. Luckily, I could get some that weren’t too expensive.
Plakar: snapshot forking and tagging
·2064 words·10 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Plakar Backups
TL;DR: plakar gained two minor features, snapshots fork-ing and snapshots tagging, which makes it possible to unlock several major new features in a relatively short future.
Implementing a system call for OpenBSD
·3090 words·15 mins
Gilles Chehade
Technology Kernel C OpenBSD
TL;DR: I found a printed copy of an assignment I had to do in 2005 back when I was a student to implement a system call for OpenBSD and Linux.
Meet ChatGPT, the New AI Sidekick Helping Gilles!
·616 words·3 mins
TL;DR: ChatGPT, an AI developed by OpenAI, is joining the tech blog to serve as a proofreader and content enricher for articles written by human authors.
Building my own guitar, part 3
·754 words·4 mins
Gilles Chehade
Music Guitar Diy
TL;DR: Received the new neck and… it fits perfectly ! The neck # UPS just delivered the new neck, which is a 24 frets PRS clone:
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This is a chat server where I hang out, discuss my projects and sometimes screencast as I work on them.

Feel free to hop in, talk about your own projects, share your thoughts: this is a virtual coworking room for anyone to join.