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OpenSMTPD 6.0.0 is released !

·1404 words·7 mins·
Gilles Chehade
Gilles Chehade
I’m not a cat.
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We just released OpenSMTPD 6.0.0 and it's quite different from former releases.
Turns out most of the changes are not visible.

A featureless release

I managed to wrap the 6.0.0 release yesterday.

Unlike most of our releases, it comes out with almost no new feature.

The changelog fits in less than 10 lines as follows:

- new fork+reexec model so each process has its own randomized memory space
- logging format has been reworked
- a "multi-line response" bug in the LMTP delivery backend has been fixed
- connections concurrency limits have been bumped
- artificial delaying in remote sessions have been reduced
- dhparams option has been removed
- dhe option has been added, supporting auto and legacy modes
- smtp engine has been simplified
- various cosmethic changes, code cleanup and documentation improvement

Seems like a very productive slacking, however some of these changes turn out to be very interesting in terms of code simplification and security.

In this article I’ll focus on the fork+(re)exec model change.

Memory space randomization

OpenBSD provides each process with a randomized memory space where pretty much everything ending up in memory is going to have different locations each time you run a new instance. All memory allocations using either malloc() or mmap() are randomized, the dynamic loader is randomized and recent work was committed so that libc gets randomized at each and every system start, the goal being that not only the place where the symbols are mapped in memory changes at every run, but that the symbols themselves get shuffled so that they are randomized one relative to another.

This basically means that if we both run the same program, there’s about zero chances that we will have a similar memory layout and that functions will be sitting at the same addresses.

In terms of security this makes exploitation particularly hard as there aren’t so many things an attacker can guess regarding the memory layout. She can’t study her own system to determine where things are located on yours, and every time the instance is restarted, former knowledge has gone away so that anything learnt will no longer be true once the program restarts.

This coupled with the fact that OpenBSD daemons tend to exit rather than attempt to rexecute a crashed process, level up the barrier quite a bit.

Here, a program will simply print “the same” addresses every time it is executed:

 $ ./a.out
 0x7f7ffffd4514  address of a stack variable
 0x1061902ffe40  address of a malloc() allocation
 0x105eeb000a64  address of a function within the program
 0x105eeb000a6a  address of the main function
 0x1060fcf67a90  address of a libc function
 $ ./a.out
 0x7f7ffffbb714  address of a stack variable
 0xf7cbac277c0   address of a malloc() allocation
 0xf7a05d00a64   address of a function within the program
 0xf7a05d00a6a   address of the main function
 0xf7c34ba9a90   address of a libc function
 $ ./a.out
 0x7f7ffffeab74  address of a stack variable
 0x15b5c11cc5c0  address of a malloc() allocation
 0x15b354800a64  address of a function within the program
 0x15b354800a6a  address of the main function
 0x15b5ab116a90  address of a libc function

The OpenSMTPD bootstrap

The idea for fork+exec in OpenSMTPD came from a discussion between deraadt@ and eric@ during a hackathon I hosted in Nantes mid-May this year.

The OpenSMTPD bootstrap process was quite simple:

Upon executation, the parent process would read configuration, build a memory representation of it and would then create a bunch of socketpair() before fork()-ing all of its child processes.

By the virtue of fork(), all children would inherit the configuration as well as all the sockets necessary for IPC. They would only have to zero and free the bits of configuration they don’t need and close sockets meant to be used by the other children and be set.

This was nice and all, but could be improved.

When a process fork()s, the child process gets an exact copy of the parent memory space. Any symbol in the parent address space is present at the same address in the child and only new allocations will cause the parent and child to diverge.

So everytime you run OpenSMTPD, the processes in your instance are different from the last time you ran it, however within a single instance the processes share a lot of addresses together. In the following example, note how all of the symbols share the same address in parent and child, except for the malloc() call that happened after fork():

$ ./a.out
=== in parent
0x7f7ffffd3c44  address of a stack variable
0x8e8a457c040   address of a malloc() allocation BEFORE fork
0x8e8181631c0   address of a malloc() allocation AFTER fork
0x8e5ce100b34   address of a function within the program
0x8e5ce100c20   address of the main function
0x8e88231aa90   address of a libc function
=== in child
0x7f7ffffd3c44  address of a stack variable
0x8e8a457c040   address of a malloc() allocation BEFORE fork
0x8e8ad0311c0   address of a malloc() allocation AFTER fork
0x8e5ce100b34   address of a function within the program
0x8e5ce100c20   address of the main function
0x8e88231aa90   address of a libc function

$ ./a.out
=== in parent
0x7f7ffffc0684  address of a stack variable
0x1fc99fc64100  address of a malloc() allocation BEFORE fork
0x1fc9443a6280  address of a malloc() allocation AFTER fork
0x1fc704400b34  address of a function within the program
0x1fc704400c20  address of the main function
0x1fc97c85aa90  address of a libc function
=== in child
0x7f7ffffc0684  address of a stack variable
0x1fc99fc64100  address of a malloc() allocation BEFORE fork
0x1fc90bb1e280  address of a malloc() allocation AFTER fork
0x1fc704400b34  address of a function within the program
0x1fc704400c20  address of the main function
0x1fc97c85aa90  address of a libc function

While all the OpenSMTPD processes end up diverging by a great lot when it comes to locally allocated addresses, the problem is that if a process is compromised then it gives immediate information regarding all of the other processes.

Knowing the memory address of the configuration in a child process will immediately tell an attacker where the configuration is located in all of the other processes, and if the proper amount of bugs is found this can prove useful.

The new fork()+(re)exec model

The exec family function will transform an existing process into a new process by basically reconstructing it from the new program.

This is what happens when your shell stops being a shell and becomes a ls instance for example. It forgets (pretty much) everything it knew about the former process and starts with its own brand new randomized memory space.

So deraadt@ suggested that if OpenSMTPD would not just fork() children but instead fork() them and reexecute the smtpd binary, then each of the children would have its own randomized memory space.

The idea itself is neat, however not so trivial to implement because when we reexec the whole “inherit configuration and descriptors” part goes away. It’s not just fork and exec, it’s fork and exec and figure a way for the parent to pass back all the information and descriptors back to the new post-fork instance so it is the new instance that allocates memory and decides where the information goes.

$ ./a.out
=== in parent
0x7f7fffff6984  address of a stack variable
0x10a78e9cdc0   address of a malloc() allocation
0x10873500b84   address of a function within the program
0x10873500c57   address of the main function
0x10b6b748a90   address of a libc function
=== in child
0x7f7fffff8bc4  address of a stack variable
0x142a9fe228c0  address of a malloc() allocation
0x14289e900b84  address of a function within the program
0x14289e900c57  address of the main function
0x142ad94e0a90  address of a libc function

$ ./a.out
=== in parent
0x7f7ffffbdee4  address of a stack variable
0x1f673b59d700  address of a malloc() allocation
0x1f6482500b84  address of a function within the program
0x1f6482500c57  address of the main function
0x1f66b1b71a90  address of a libc function
=== in child
0x7f7ffffdcc74  address of a stack variable
0xe10ddc66e40   address of a malloc() allocation
0xe0ec9f00b84   address of a function within the program
0xe0ec9f00c57   address of the main function
0xe10d3a5fa90   address of a libc function

Eric reworked the entire bootstrap process so the parent reads configuration, creates all of the sockets, forks & execs all children in a special mode…

… then have the parent pass each children only the bit of configuration they need and the descriptors they require for IPC.

This was really hard work and I’m amazed he managed to wrap it between the hackathon and the release freeze, this makes OpenSMTPD far more resistant to a whole lot new range of attacks.

I’ll write about the smtp engine improvements in a further article, stay tuned.

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