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March 2021: backups with Plakar

·4260 words·20 mins·
Gilles Chehade
technology plakar backups
Gilles Chehade
I’m not a cat.
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I wrote a backup utility called plakar.

Let’s start with some LoFi #


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Plakar: Yet another backup utility ? #

Yes, I wrote another backup utility.

I backup many hosts on a daily basis and while there are many different tools, I always fallback to using scripts built on top of rsync to do incremental backups, which always results in customization for this or that host.

I want backups that are easy to perform and restore, that do not require me to remember a ton of options, that lets me work with snapshots independant one of another instead of increments, that allow me to browse the content easily and compare snapshots without restoring them, that store data efficiently (compressed and deduped), and finally that lets me back things up locally or remotely to machines I own.

I’ve looked into various solutions and I figured that the best option for me was to write a tool that did exactly what I wanted. Also, it’s fun to write code.

What is plakar ? #

The plakar utility is a tool that performs backups as snapshots of a tree structure, scanning subdirectories and files, and storing them efficiently in a repository while deduplicating redundant data. Once a snapshot has been taken of a directory, it can be inspected and restored at will.

How does it work ? #

To perform a backup, you only need to call plakar with the push subcommand and a set of directories that should be part of the snapshot. This will cause plakar to scan the directories, collect inode information regarding every subdirectory and files, split files into chunks and push them to the repository.

$ plakar push /bin
82711aee-6485-445b-98f4-6cae51c83035: OK

The ls subcommand allows listing snapshots present in the repository:

$ plakar ls
82711aee-6485-445b-98f4-6cae51c83035 [2021-03-27T22:05:00Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)

The pull subcommand allows restoring a particular snapshot:

$ plakar pull 82711aee-6485-445b-98f4-6cae51c83035
82711aee-6485-445b-98f4-6cae51c83035: OK

$ ls -l bin
total 9336
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   121104  1 Jan  2020 [
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  1296640  1 Jan  2020 bash
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   121968  1 Jan  2020 cat
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   107552  1 Jan  2020 chmod
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   123232  1 Jan  2020 cp
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  1104640  1 Jan  2020 csh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   277408  1 Jan  2020 dash
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   139264  1 Jan  2020 date
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   122160  1 Jan  2020 dd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   121840  1 Jan  2020 df
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   120848  1 Jan  2020 echo
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   205648  1 Jan  2020 ed
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   121504  1 Jan  2020 expr
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   120864  1 Jan  2020 hostname
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   121232  1 Jan  2020 kill
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  2552352  1 Jan  2020 ksh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   329344  1 Jan  2020 launchctl
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   105136  1 Jan  2020 link
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   105136  1 Jan  2020 ln
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   157360  1 Jan  2020 ls
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   104752  1 Jan  2020 mkdir
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   106176  1 Jan  2020 mv
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   291152  1 Jan  2020 pax
-rwsr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   173568  1 Jan  2020 ps
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   120832  1 Jan  2020 pwd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   106000  1 Jan  2020 rm
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   104368  1 Jan  2020 rmdir
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   120912  1 Jan  2020 sh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   120784  1 Jan  2020 sleep
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   138656  1 Jan  2020 stty
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   120464  1 Jan  2020 sync
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  1104640  1 Jan  2020 tcsh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   121104  1 Jan  2020 test
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   106000  1 Jan  2020 unlink
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel   120752  1 Jan  2020 wait4path
-rwxr-xr-x  1 root  wheel  1331248  1 Jan  2020 zsh

Compression and deduplication #

When plakar performs a snapshot, it splits every file into content-defined chunks and checks if they are available in the repository before pushing them, in a way similar to what rsync does.

Each chunk is compressed before being written to the repository, so that between compression and deduplication, a saved snapshot may take less space than the original directory:

$ du -sh /bin
4.6M    /bin

$ du -sh ~/.plakar
3.8M    /Users/gilles/.plakar

Furthermore, since this deduplication takes place globally in the repository, pushing multiple times the same content doesn’t cause the plakar to grow much as it only grows by the size of the snapshot index:

$ plakar push /bin
f2645591-4b06-4512-89e2-dae8ad1e2360: OK

$ plakar push /bin
c0aa514b-452f-4122-a53f-99e984cb0548: OK

$ plakar push /bin
3630358c-c634-4ad9-960d-f864d1eb56f5: OK

$ plakar push /bin
e521e447-5c2a-429f-b637-41561daa3826: OK

$ plakar push /bin
a83fe7bb-341f-4cf1-bad6-c2b1933422f8: OK

$ plakar ls
82711aee-6485-445b-98f4-6cae51c83035 [2021-03-27T22:05:00Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)
f2645591-4b06-4512-89e2-dae8ad1e2360 [2021-03-27T22:06:17Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)
c0aa514b-452f-4122-a53f-99e984cb0548 [2021-03-27T22:06:17Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)
3630358c-c634-4ad9-960d-f864d1eb56f5 [2021-03-27T22:06:18Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)
e521e447-5c2a-429f-b637-41561daa3826 [2021-03-27T22:06:18Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)
a83fe7bb-341f-4cf1-bad6-c2b1933422f8 [2021-03-27T22:06:19Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)

$ du -sh ~/.plakar
3.8M    /Users/gilles/.plakar

Snapshots UUID prefix-based lookup #

Because using an UUID as parameter to subcommands is painful, plakar performs prefix-based lookup and allows using the beginning of an UUID as long as it is not ambiguous:

$ plakar pull 3
3630358c-c634-4ad9-960d-f864d1eb56f5: OK

In case of ambiguity, it warns so that a less ambiguous prefix can be provided:

$ plakar ls|grep ^4
45de4fd3-d177-4378-84cb-077b2ef297fb [2021-03-27T23:09:11Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)
4c467893-f959-43cb-858f-c50b8c46a86d [2021-03-27T23:17:05Z] (size: 10 MB, files: 36, dirs: 1)

$ plakar pull 4
2021/03/28 00:17:15 plakar: snapshot ID is ambigous: 4 (matches 2 snapshots)

$ plakar pull 45
45de4fd3-d177-4378-84cb-077b2ef297fb: OK

Snapshots health check #

Backups are not useful if they can’t be restored, but it’s also painful to create a backup and try restoring just to know if it would work. To cope with this, plakar supports health checking snapshots without actually restoring them:

$ plakar check 3
3630358c-c634-4ad9-960d-f864d1eb56f5: OK

What it does is that it fetches the snapshot index, checks that everything referenced in the snapshot exists in the repository, and does a few sanity checks to verify if it could restore the entirety of the snapshot if requested.

Snapshots restoration #

As shown in the example above, restoring a snapshot is as simple as typing:

$ plakar pull 3
3630358c-c634-4ad9-960d-f864d1eb56f5: OK

But this performs a full snapshot restore, whereas sometimes what you really want is a partial restore. For this, plakar supports providing a path within a snapshot pointing either to a subdirectory or to a file:

$ plakar pull 3:/bin/ls
3630358c-c634-4ad9-960d-f864d1eb56f5:/bin/ls: OK

$ ls -l bin     
total 312
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff  157360 27 Mar 23:18 ls

While doing the restore, plakar will check every chunk and their checksums to detect any corruption:

$ rm -rf ~/.plakar/default/chunks/00/008d4087e3e99c8f8c2c1ad76e9c6bc3d614e580e30ed45da06f93f912995538 

$ plakar pull 3
/bin/ksh: missing chunk 008d4087e3e99c8f8c2c1ad76e9c6bc3d614e580e30ed45da06f93f912995538
/bin/ksh: corrupt file: checksum mismatch
3630358c-c634-4ad9-960d-f864d1eb56f5: KO

$ ls -l bin
total 19504
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   121104 27 Mar 23:22 [
-r-xr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   743708 27 Mar 23:22 bash
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   121968 27 Mar 23:22 cat
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   107552 27 Mar 23:22 chmod
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   123232 27 Mar 23:22 cp
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff  1104640 27 Mar 23:22 csh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   277408 27 Mar 23:22 dash
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   139264 27 Mar 23:22 date
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   122160 27 Mar 23:22 dd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   121840 27 Mar 23:22 df
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   120848 27 Mar 23:22 echo
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   205648 27 Mar 23:22 ed
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   121504 27 Mar 23:22 expr
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   120864 27 Mar 23:22 hostname
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   121232 27 Mar 23:22 kill
-r-xr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff  1258618 27 Mar 23:22 ksh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   329344 27 Mar 23:22 launchctl
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   105136 27 Mar 23:22 link
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   105136 27 Mar 23:22 ln
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   157360 27 Mar 23:22 ls
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   104752 27 Mar 23:22 mkdir
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   106176 27 Mar 23:22 mv
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   291152 27 Mar 23:22 pax
-rwsr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   173568 27 Mar 23:22 ps
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   120832 27 Mar 23:22 pwd
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   106000 27 Mar 23:22 rm
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   104368 27 Mar 23:22 rmdir
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   120912 27 Mar 23:22 sh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   120784 27 Mar 23:22 sleep
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   138656 27 Mar 23:22 stty
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   120464 27 Mar 23:22 sync
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff  1104640 27 Mar 23:22 tcsh
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   121104 27 Mar 23:22 test
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   106000 27 Mar 23:22 unlink
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff   120752 27 Mar 23:22 wait4path
-rwxr-xr-x  1 gilles  staff  1331248 27 Mar 23:22 zsh

The snapshot is still restored as a “best effort”, but here a warning informs that ksh is not the same as the one that was initially backed up. This is not supposed to happen in practice as long as I don’t fiddle with the repository, but it is a nice sanity check.

One that would be caught by plakar check:

$ plakar check 3
3630358c-c634-4ad9-960d-f864d1eb56f5: KO

Other plakar subcommands #

In addition to pull, push, ls and check, plakar supports various other subcommands.

They are more interesting when playing with text files, so let’s push /private/etc:

$ plakar push /private/etc
open /private/etc/krb5.keytab: permission denied
open /private/etc/aliases.db: permission denied
open /private/etc/racoon/psk.txt: permission denied
open /private/etc/security/audit_user: permission denied
open /private/etc/security/audit_control: permission denied
open /private/etc/sudoers: permission denied
open /private/etc/sudo_lecture: permission denied
open /private/etc/master.passwd: permission denied
open /private/etc/openldap/slapd.conf.default: permission denied
open /private/etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example: permission denied
98b6658b-a975-47c4-a38f-f958d8d7359f: OK

Here plakar has warned about files that couldn’t make it into the snapshot, but lets inspect what files are part of the snapshot with ls:

$ plakar ls 9:/
acc57694b78a1ea669535547ac310e7682f141b75f6ba23658078b9000dbd9ac -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    20 kB /private/etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf.default
a4dda57401575878b78c5b0bc4a6bc020675d7f285dc8a836d07f1fda0938715 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    12 kB /private/etc/postfix/LICENSE
863f779b43680f81799688e91c18a164047a1a8e9dfff650881e50ba35530ed1 -r--r--r--     root    wheel    141 B /private/etc/uucp/port
75a3d05049424cc17623d04c5d84038ca703ae673ad4c1bcf62d8293462d90b0 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    152 B /private/etc/pam.d/login.term
591161270b2fbe74d7f1b96625c4b60551f33eb6fa28992c8ccc71dff9b7c70b -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   6.2 kB /private/etc/postfix/
056514aa4105c96e0aad6a144d76f63461db7157123d43fa7c4121297a6c9200 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    190 B /private/etc/asl/
05f4215652c68201fd6aee81fc4eeaee4d5c395f3f4a3a155b986cb06ca0f768 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    216 B /private/etc/asl/
3c4aaff1783756368c28022658ebb238d6f9f32beeb0d04d79962654e0a0ae26 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   3.3 kB /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config
23198c58755cd991531259cd290f62ea99cd9596595001ab303a15306fd03ec1 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    127 B /private/etc/pam.d/authorization_ctk
48edf5460c6ad64cc681209902d2cfef856f4b68400e34cac41ec6704f45b580 -rwxr-xr-x     root    wheel    687 B /private/etc/periodic/daily/430.status-rwho
c998ee1b26049571ed20dc89e7dd9d3e87e85846bdf0d9ff1aae9f760774bf5b -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.1 kB /private/etc/apache2/original/extra/httpd-info.conf
b822424c1eba4ae12efa0bad98c6288f9111d5da88f43a847c69e660dc3c8c80 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   6.2 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/collective.schema
c90d596b58cb588b3ae77312f9fe8b0511ea8a842caf058d130138a32cca8419 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   2.1 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/fmserver.schema
5475edebf371c8c4771d6951a51a80e4c40871a01355122cac4146966d6aa58c -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   4.5 kB /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-mpm.conf
61b95be8351545f888956f733db55f810e3b5f8b4b221ad219428b95c55bdbc9 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.1 kB /private/etc/asl.conf
b9611702dbb3c2d02e060d82cff7a542f6ec6de29aabaa0b4c8482e5ed1f78d0 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    113 B /private/etc/pam.d/authorization_aks
9a31f3b43190281ce1320ac62b3d7672c0bd5bb8bf607c82767994bfa815068e -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    153 B /private/etc/asl/
cc58ac4627390ef04037b7b77ed0359b267a8e8ceb99bdc3aa156dae6367094a -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    607 B /private/etc/apache2/original/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
17294d602f2d28944e6517a6a8a432548351d1eaf468062b8da6d84bbf7c5440 -r--r--r--     root    wheel    133 B /private/etc/uucp/passwd
27b21d21df689f2f097f56b907d2a936acbeb943fc98bfeb56d2c62cba33c451 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel     13 B /private/etc/paths.d/40-XQuartz
1f07bc400e932a1f36c65634b9f5e7d7a6249c58195f903fe21d4bf83df43c5b -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   3.4 kB /private/etc/wfs/httpd_webdavsharing_template.conf
444c716ac2ccd9e1e3347858cb08a00d2ea38e8c12fdc5798380dc261e32e9ef -r--r--r--     root    wheel    265 B /private/etc/bashrc
fa115d33bdc964acfe0b0241c511c2bed643820f8c574e45f443a17a331cf138 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    318 B /private/etc/pam.d/screensaver_ctk
eab8fa9f3d43e099731db74d17733fb46c5578206f4dbb0db204bc2cef68664a -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   7.6 kB /private/etc/passwd
99c7c05d6e8690b32ea58d6fcda64a090eaae782026551d2d9e347694c626ce7 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   7.8 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/nis.schema
025f5e31cd7b2248a0a661d8d346452c31d98e280f3420c3f6017c74c829ae73 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    745 B /private/etc/ssl/openssl.cnf
9d70873703af389018ccc7b57a503d2692ba1d6b71271bcf00473d40f5095486 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   3.2 kB /private/etc/apache2/original/extra/proxy-html.conf
69c9044d7bdcdd195249b13b8893abf7c60092391975408468ac5e8969fcd79a -rw-r--r--     root      _lp   6.5 kB /private/etc/cups/cupsd.conf
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ed9d05e8ec15f676263a184a7c30858f2d5cd0258da168d3b262b76567bc7bae -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   2.9 kB /private/etc/apache2/original/extra/httpd-default.conf
bb3d6775b7fc8042b2b68232384694ac3bee6d1100b87f9dcd0840ee935dd2b5 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    12 kB /private/etc/postfix/canonical
96618e0c2ba27c318f77262c22a99f039ecf2e1d83754fcb1a0f208e961da2f7 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   1.5 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/openldap.schema
cf6e6fe1497d5b3983529174674b8a09941d67244727157e208d37b24b247bc1 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    166 B /private/etc/pam.d/authorization_la
aa464696f1c0282b1728b79e5da52c6f44d130b93c6e3011ea4e67407461c191 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   3.6 kB /private/etc/racoon/racoon.conf
1dc9a5dec35592b043715e6b5a1796df15540ebfe97b6f25fb4960183655eec9 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   9.3 kB /private/etc/zshrc_Apple_Terminal
e2dd2ce55d57c625d241b8ddbc834fbab3e9c2061955b094326201dfd083d051 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    202 B /private/etc/asl/
eb33ba8357c7166620b5c33fc8436a0081ba093f7cbf60fef7ddb35b491a4012 -rw-r--r--     root      _lp    128 B /private/etc/cups/snmp.conf
d7cbf00c6fb63b14e2314cb5aff696e6d01e6911e0bcebf2c540ddb28b614340 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   6.8 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/nis.ldif
91d53776cbd13b565b93dfae32ceb7236c09df3f4629329b521fe1b523460613 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   3.3 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/dyngroup.ldif
4a054f138fbed4a755b351fb51dd83fe3005e07fc7d075c3880e10ec8950873a -r--r--r--     root    wheel   123 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/microsoft.schema
8e920f9fb045a6dfe53fd18bb6450c5b3051bd88c4c7eac88b7c41deee02e6a8 -r--r--r--     root    wheel    246 B /private/etc/pam.d/sudo
9d5aa72f807091b481820d12e693093293ba33c73854909ad7b0fb192c2db193 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    189 B /private/etc/shells
81bac019ddc3523e67726f6159c180bd128b9ef1872d5359fe40e3fa78690694 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    387 B /private/etc/asl/
309c09ccf0f826e2e753472a01fa32d7f1f326879992e8e925ef3ced57a6252b -rw-r--r--     root    wheel     11 B /private/etc/nanorc
a27af5a5be37a725abe8587a803e601e243739c2ea4abfde9707199b66369deb -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.3 kB /private/etc/newsyslog.conf
810dbd036a97217460ec5f56e543621dd2a735bb809fca45327400e2afc272ad -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    27 kB /private/etc/postfix/
8aa44a4856b41d4f1dd7799b975eb68472df1d6b8f8268a0cc6aaa9975f55349 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    891 B /private/etc/rtadvd.conf
49422ce34f9e3b5134cecdb73f5f54fa34480fc424279321dab18240b4bf8cde -r--r--r--     root    wheel   2.4 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/misc.schema
eff9ba3a711059ac519e1914477a28db07ce3ed8c70eb36479e0da39cd41fc4e -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    197 B /private/etc/pam.d/passwd
e523e826b0192c39b42d71597caa8b3e5e166d1e6af98528f046f1ebe6727925 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    24 kB /private/etc/postfix/header_checks
f63a90bd20d0baea6f3b7f5c0679d02e58dc294d5a37bd0c44f2046609d74b4a -r--r--r--     root    wheel    16 kB /private/etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.default
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7ca5887133958e0ac30c92ecec70fe753977cfcc0137cfa93311aeed8fa38e24 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   117 kB /private/etc/openldap/AppleOpenLDAP.plist
4277bb97ba7b51577a0d38151d3e08b40bdf946753f5b5bdeb814d6ff57a8a5e -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    515 B /private/etc/afpovertcp.cfg
f047c7a23d830f221f142861d2ae10eb4a27d74beff3fcaf599b4c441ae44f5e -r--r--r--     root    wheel    13 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/microsoft.std.schema
94139c5762d820ac8a6d567ca5a5e9753af95e1c8560f23e65bc169be11f4042 -rwxr-xr-x     root    wheel    712 B /private/etc/periodic/daily/999.local
69f2f70c4d02fe6a0d4ecc99b8cfb676090aae0435c74eb45b2d79c72cb39a09 -rwxr-xr-x     root    wheel    606 B /private/etc/periodic/monthly/999.local
b99ca2f2de327fd9a0374e1eacd3ccbc0f6fce17e0372c42d370ce4852bb75f4 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    22 kB /private/etc/apache2/httpd.conf
db16889d677588787af70881d7e0af827e847a5660e9a78c955da53d8edd614b -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    105 B /private/etc/asl/
bea9ba8f43b879adff12ba844aad204ae6be074b356a4ff917305725b4341eb5 -r--r--r--     root    wheel    154 B /private/etc/newsyslog.d/files.conf
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6c2621756bae333c3af6429407f949f6220bd75df956606ed911bf6b5c8348fd -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    140 B /private/etc/pam.d/smbd
38b19f16f2cfe9cb398e59544cbbeeb4998718dbf231251a41eb31893aed223b -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   3.5 kB /private/etc/postfix/
6dcf0856acd475d75f7d4f2cb5e6a743b2df97ddd394b78e07ae172ab7f04363 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    20 kB /private/etc/postfix/postfix-files
05e4653d532915fca72e4352ade5040c3361340920eee047ac4dd313bc9d8e19 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.6 kB /private/etc/ssh/ssh_config
49dede3f9e65fd6ea036bc1598e07f1f73a3ad9c70c4744de954d6d0a8fdbdb5 -r--r--r--     root    wheel    194 B /private/etc/apache2/other/php7.conf
a5ff0b83be70bdb0107e8e6f4d2bc8e3608e7e9b15e15145b5f24ca4c559f504 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.9 kB /private/etc/autofs.conf
1c350ccbbf5e4e09923f5bd1d93fd1578e0a5b6b7d4b85c631d09e1a1a71dbd3 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   6.3 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
3ada6707f5fd265c70176f24ff988acb15983df6b2b99a5b3cdb833c8c38ea9f -r--r--r--     root    wheel    74 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/cosine.schema
c3a8ab17dd75c874d9da896e729c516273900f8e5b80538daf60e8e95ff86660 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    22 kB /private/etc/postfix/access
effcfce27485ef1ca9142df4fe810d518e720092b00dce0a9504e2ef378cc42c -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    27 kB /private/etc/postfix/
768ff09154f6aacda857cb175ef29cf9d23ef9c38c69efdbf20354dbfd7875b1 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.6 kB /private/etc/rc.common
0235d3c1b6cf21e7043fbc98e239ee4bc648048aafaf6be1a94a576300584ef2 -r--r--r--     root    wheel    255 B /private/etc/zprofile
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7c982d301cf583c578abb470f5f3782d1d4451e43f5b90c6555ae75be6060d1a -rw-r--r--     root    wheel     53 B /private/etc/networks
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13e0a0a4991f31f4864096846b379a1d96808c2f0a735b6661aae29481f4bb94 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    356 B /private/etc/pam.d/su
0fd7f2c4f02e68615f137ed090cbba2d1facb40da6bf269e1e326ed6a10aa618 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    329 B /private/etc/pf.anchors/
847e127803905f596f8c2553ddab8e2d0bca21b4c4ebc79e4be19dcb554df9cb -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.3 kB /private/etc/bootpd.plist
e93775ee26b46f1bfc6b5eab5eab05cee15a1718e87a4a01cfbd474b5409d872 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    621 B /private/etc/locate.rc
0c4f41f80e397939b4a9ce2137a1d725efb4d373e0587c8551b9f1ac12ed0a56 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    312 B /private/etc/pam.d/screensaver_aks
c9acb4b8a3e8fd249e672516e37a88d37a9bc8f224b0ab29e76d302c4179de04 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    28 kB /private/etc/pf.os
38b6d46f6924364dc3013ffad83a12b7bc10bf3a878b5ae0f53ef117851900b8 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.7 kB /private/etc/apache2/original/extra/httpd-dav.conf
e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel      0 B /private/etc/
dbeff46b11216fc8b39dd3160f5085309c031044afdc77f394c94baa558abb60 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel     19 B /private/etc/manpaths.d/40-XQuartz
c998ee1b26049571ed20dc89e7dd9d3e87e85846bdf0d9ff1aae9f760774bf5b -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.1 kB /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-info.conf
b22a5ff409482104f804f04b0035f2fd1f6801974645f79c87e9025729a50286 -rw-r--r--     root      _lp   3.1 kB /private/etc/cups/cups-files.conf
411408289c874dfe0cb497c7d09e0e69601183ad7c9cbedcb9eae7543ff849c4 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   4.8 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/duaconf.ldif
3c4f529ed0ba941121c3bb29d6e654299d9d9c77a98c2570465f15b0cce05aef -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    408 B /private/etc/pam.d/screensaver
081c0787da77e326dcf46a6d955cc807c42ad2362e99876c1c71257b38ff0c84 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.3 kB /private/etc/ttys
2012882e055c2a2502cd7d3dd373c1804f0fce782225e90aca491abad720b53a -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.5 kB /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-vhosts.conf
43b85836499d3227d242c8ed7a9f33ee61a0b6be1df7bc41f962eff46b547ef1 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.4 kB /private/etc/asl/
41cdd0a28b1e13f3a475fafd45dec6d335cddecd6d2872a71450d5ab3336ee67 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   4.6 kB /private/etc/man.conf
933a32202a6ca9d47c1a0af25f8577369b0134ce749002de1228f2b23a909142 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel     43 B /private/etc/nfs.conf
9b5ee3e68d2668a06a26bc29488c891a0182b4f2858f8bab97835d4238c8e892 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   3.5 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.ldif
6191e98d0228c084ec94f80af3639912b53c316db2cbf29a2123eab64491f709 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   4.1 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/krb5-kdc.schema
7ba16d87de833e0b81898b544f981cd8b7dedcb8e9ad285bd954af560e089816 -rwxr-xr-x     root    wheel    620 B /private/etc/periodic/weekly/999.local
ed9d05e8ec15f676263a184a7c30858f2d5cd0258da168d3b262b76567bc7bae -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   2.9 kB /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-default.conf
b17912cf8ac845d1098829a3f876bdc7597bc8360bb8f260e49d1e3ca26d5029 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   1.4 kB /private/etc/apache2/original/extra/httpd-manual.conf
eb33ba8357c7166620b5c33fc8436a0081ba093f7cbf60fef7ddb35b491a4012 -rw-r--r--     root      _lp    128 B /private/etc/cups/snmp.conf.default
9d70873703af389018ccc7b57a503d2692ba1d6b71271bcf00473d40f5095486 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel   3.2 kB /private/etc/apache2/extra/proxy-html.conf
b5847002ceeb4b141a882ba230eb84c186e2d59c74fbb718cc323c6b157ebde8 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   8.5 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/netinfo.schema
cc58ac4627390ef04037b7b77ed0359b267a8e8ceb99bdc3aa156dae6367094a -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    607 B /private/etc/apache2/extra/httpd-userdir.conf
7ed4a5bae35e87e8815cb79dd3be70ac34a3056cb91216a22224a3c99b4c9720 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel    350 B /private/etc/asl/
125333636796ce03bacf4b079a93b90d3d458a81159c9593339183be5bf51080 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   6.9 kB /private/etc/openldap/schema/pmi.ldif
8a8b640738d46484ecc24c689f70702c5ca35dcd4868f7f413bd8727cd474f10 -rw-r--r--     root    wheel     36 B /private/etc/manpaths

Or list files within a specific subdirectory:

$ plakar ls 9:/private/etc/uucp            
b86ff58053e9e930a0324f7fb5e0458213567feca9e97de92da20bff82f17e06 -r--r--r--     root    wheel   2.4 kB /private/etc/uucp/sys
17294d602f2d28944e6517a6a8a432548351d1eaf468062b8da6d84bbf7c5440 -r--r--r--     root    wheel    133 B /private/etc/uucp/passwd
863f779b43680f81799688e91c18a164047a1a8e9dfff650881e50ba35530ed1 -r--r--r--     root    wheel    141 B /private/etc/uucp/port

These listings rely on the snapshot index and do not fetch chunks from the repository, however it is possible to actually look at the file content with the cat subcommand:

$ plakar cat 9:/etc/uucp/passwd
# The passwd configuration file

# Specify a login name and password that a system can use when logging in.

uucp_tst sekret

Now let’s make a change to that file and push it again:

$ sudo sed -i '' -e 's/sekret/notsosecret/' /etc/uucp/passwd

$ plakar push /private/etc                                  
open /private/etc/krb5.keytab: permission denied
open /private/etc/aliases.db: permission denied
open /private/etc/racoon/psk.txt: permission denied
open /private/etc/security/audit_user: permission denied
open /private/etc/security/audit_control: permission denied
open /private/etc/sudoers: permission denied
open /private/etc/sudo_lecture: permission denied
open /private/etc/master.passwd: permission denied
open /private/etc/openldap/slapd.conf.default: permission denied
open /private/etc/openldap/DB_CONFIG.example: permission denied
b41802cb-9424-47eb-8186-2847678a8646: OK

From there, it is possible to perform an inode diff:

$ plakar diff 9 b
-  drwxr-xr-x     root    wheel    160 B 2020-01-01 08:00:00 +0000 UTC /private/etc/uucp
+  drwxr-xr-x     root    wheel    160 B 2021-03-27 22:38:17.685871971 +0000 UTC /private/etc/uucp
-  -r--r--r--     root    wheel    133 B 2020-01-01 08:00:00 +0000 UTC /private/etc/uucp/passwd
+  -r--r--r--     root    wheel    138 B 2021-03-27 22:38:17.685791098 +0000 UTC /private/etc/uucp/passwd

This shows that the /private/etc/uucp directory has had its date change, and that /private/etc/uccp/passwd has had its date and size change, and from there it is possible to request a diff of the file with the diff subcommand:

$ plakar diff 9 b /private/etc/uucp/passwd
--- 98b6658b-a975-47c4-a38f-f958d8d7359f:/private/etc/uucp/passwd
+++ b41802cb-9424-47eb-8186-2847678a8646:/private/etc/uucp/passwd
@@ -6,5 +6,5 @@
 # Specify a login name and password that a system can use when logging in.
-uucp_tst sekret
+uucp_tst notsosecret

The snapshots are not incremental so it is possible to generate diffs between any of them.

Removing old snapshots #

Even though snapshots of similar content do not consume much space, there’s no use in keeping a lot of old snapshots hanging around. Snapshots can be removed from the repository with the rm subcommand:

$ plakar ls       
98b6658b-a975-47c4-a38f-f958d8d7359f [2021-03-27T22:29:09Z] (size: 3.0 MB, files: 230, dirs: 39)
b41802cb-9424-47eb-8186-2847678a8646 [2021-03-27T22:38:22Z] (size: 3.0 MB, files: 230, dirs: 39)

$ du -sh ~/.plakar
2.2M    /Users/gilles/.plakar

$ plakar rm 9
98b6658b-a975-47c4-a38f-f958d8d7359f: OK

$ du -sh ~/.plakar
2.1M    /Users/gilles/.plakar

$ plakar rm b     
b41802cb-9424-47eb-8186-2847678a8646: OK

$ du -sh ~/.plakar
  0B    /Users/gilles/.plakar 

The repository keeps chunks as long as they are referenced by at least one snapshot, but removes them when they become orphans which is why the repository becomes empty after the last snapshot is removed.

Namespaces #

Sometimes I want to make sure that my backups are fully disjoint one from another, not sharing their snapshots and deduplication. The plakar repository supports namespaces so that I can keep related snapshots together and apart from others.

For example, I have backups for and for and I want to manage the snapshots separately:

$ plakar -namespace push data
351348b3-8dc3-4caa-b0be-334c43f4fd13: OK

$ plakar -namespace push data
1fa2dac2-8096-483a-a2d3-2a78ce3706ce: OK

$ plakar -namespace ls            
351348b3-8dc3-4caa-b0be-334c43f4fd13 [2021-03-27T22:49:58Z] (size: 896 kB, files: 79, dirs: 4)

$ plakar -namespace ls            
1fa2dac2-8096-483a-a2d3-2a78ce3706ce [2021-03-27T22:50:40Z] (size: 896 kB, files: 79, dirs: 4)

Stores #

In addition, I may want to provide an alternate path to the repository because ~/.plakar is not ideal, plakar supports providing alternate repository path with the -store option:

$ plakar -store /var/backups/gilles push data
f6cc2508-ea59-4552-aa4b-27900f0a9781: OK

$ plakar -store /var/backups/gilles ls
f6cc2508-ea59-4552-aa4b-27900f0a9781 [2021-03-27T22:52:47Z] (size: 896 kB, files: 79, dirs: 4)

But this doesn’t stop here …

plakar server #

So far I only showed plakar working on a local repository, it however supports a network mode.

It is possible to start a plakar server on a machine with:

$ plakar server    

and on another machine, point the repository to that server:

$ plakar -store plakar:// push /bin
3ac8f3ff-e723-46c3-9ae7-4b11bb27f3b2: OK

The plakar server can use -store itself, so it is possible to configure it to store at at particular location:

$ plakar -store /var/backups server

and because I made a monster, it is possible that this location is a different plakar server, effectively turning a plakar instance into a proxy:

box1$ plakar server

box2$ plakar -store plakar:// server

box3$ plakar -store plakar:// push /bin
998964ac-d3f6-4bf3-b784-50ba616e0776: OK

From the local user point of view, pushing to a local plakar, to a remote plakar, or even to a remote plakar proxying to another plakar work the same.

Is it released ? #

Nope, not yet.

This is a PoC and my first real project in Golang, so I need a bit of time to make sure it is in a state that I’m not ashamed to release.

If you are a sponsor and want to give it a try, just mail me and I’ll arrange that.

What’s next ? #

A lot of things really…

First of all, every single command needs a bit of polishing to have a nice feel because the output is not always the best to work with.

Then, I have not implemented any caching whatsoever so even though it’s not dead slow, a lot of operations that could be skipped are always performed making it slower than it should.

Also, the server mode doesn’t use encryption at this point and while it is ok on a personal network, I want to be able to deploy a plakar server on a dedicated server at some provider and use it safely.

Finally, I began building an UI to browse snapshots and this requires building a global index of snapshots, which is something I haven’t tackled yet. At this point, each snapshot has its own index but I’d like to be able to have a search box which looks up for stuff through all snapshots.

I also have other private plans with this which I’ll discuss later ;-)

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