Plakar: a TON of changes
Table of Contents
TL;DR: a lot of work in plakar, but also on CDC and index optimization.
Optimized go-fastcdc
I ran into a benchmark which included my implementation of the FastCDC algorithm, and it made me realise that it was not on par with alternative implementations:
% cd _bench_test
% go test -bench=. -benchmem
goos: darwin
goarch: amd64
pkg: bench_test
cpu: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-5287U CPU @ 2.90GHz
BenchmarkAskeladdk-4 14 81648896 ns/op 1643.84 MB/s 13014 chunks 9364 B/op 0 allocs/op
BenchmarkTigerwill90-4 12 99914431 ns/op 1343.33 MB/s 16027 chunks 10985 B/op 1 allocs/op
BenchmarkJotFS-4 10 107616777 ns/op 1247.18 MB/s 14651 chunks 131184 B/op 2 allocs/op
BenchmarkPoolpOrg-4 4 251425674 ns/op 533.83 MB/s 14328 chunks 144083696 B/op 42990 allocs/op
ok bench_test 8.210s
The benchmark showed that my implementation was considerably slower than three other popular implementations, it also required far more memory and allocations per op. I didn’t expect it to outperform other implementations because I had focused on getting it functional and didn’t even look at performances, but I was surprised by how bad it was… so an hour later I fixed the injustice:
BenchmarkPoolpOrg-4 14 78039244 ns/op 1719.87 MB/s 15485 chunks 131200 B/op 4 allocs/op
Buffered I/O#
I replaced the chunker input from an io.Reader
to a bufio.Reader
letting the stdlib take care of buffering input and reducing the number of syscalls required.
I don’t know why I didn’t use a bufio.Reader
to start with,
I wouldn’t skip stdio
in C to do I/O buffering on my own…
yet I did in Golang.
Reworked Next()
to reduce allocations and copies#
I replaced the logic in the Next()
method of the chunker which is in charge of returning the next chunk.
When it relied on an io.Reader
it had to read the data,
so my algorithm had to read twice as much as the maximum chunk size so the FastCDC function could find a cut point within that buffer,
which would then allow me to copy and shift data.
With the change to a bufio.Reader
I could peak into the input buffer,
pass the result to FastCDC,
return a slice of the input buffer up to the cutpoint and discard.
This considerably reduces the overhead and is as optimal as I can get with I/O as far as I can tell:
func (chunker *Chunker) Next() ([]byte, error) {
// chunkder.rd is a bufio with a buffersize that's 2*chunker.maxSize
// so I can always peek chunker.maxSize safely while avoiding allocs
// and not wasting too many memory either.
// data is a slice in bufio's buffer so it's not a "real" allocation
data, err := chunker.rd.Peek(chunker.maxSize)
if err != nil && err != io.EOF && err != bufio.ErrBufferFull {
return nil, err
n := len(data)
if n == 0 {
return nil, io.EOF
cutpoint := fastCDC(chunker.options, data[:n], n)
// we already have data available in a slice coming directly
// from bufio's buffer, we don't need to read again, just do
// a Discard() so bufio skips the bytes we'll return.
if _, err = chunker.rd.Discard(int(cutpoint)); err != nil {
return nil, err
// return a slice on the slice from Peek
return data[:cutpoint], nil
Micro-optimized FastCDC
I micro-optimized the FastCDC
function to go from this:
func (chunker *Chunker) fastCDC(src *bytes.Buffer, n uint32) uint32 {
NormalSize := chunker.NormalSize
MaskS := uint64(0x0003590703530000)
MaskL := uint64(0x0000d90003530000)
if n <= chunker.MinSize {
return n
if n >= chunker.MaxSize {
n = chunker.MaxSize
} else if n <= NormalSize {
NormalSize = n
fp := uint64(0)
i := chunker.MinSize
for ; i < NormalSize; i++ {
fp = (fp << 1) + G[src.Bytes()[i]]
if (fp & MaskS) == 0 {
return i
for ; i < n; i++ {
fp = (fp << 1) + G[src.Bytes()[i]]
if (fp & MaskL) == 0 {
return i
return i
To this:
// prototype has changed, it receives a []byte rather than a bytes.Buffer
func (c *FastCDC) Algorithm(options *chunkers.ChunkerOpts, data []byte, n int) int {
// since MinSize, MaxSize and NormalSize are going to be accessed several times,
// assign to local variables and save a few struct dereferences
MinSize := options.MinSize
MaxSize := options.MaxSize
NormalSize := options.NormalSize
// constify MaskS and MaskL, this avoids setting in the stack at each call
const (
MaskS = uint64(0x0003590703530000)
MaskL = uint64(0x0000d90003530000)
// readability change
switch {
case n <= MinSize:
return n
case n >= MaxSize:
n = MaxSize
case n <= NormalSize:
NormalSize = n
fp := uint64(0)
i := MinSize
// instead of having two loops, one from i to NormalSize with MaskS
// and one from NormalSize to n with MaskL, use a variable that has
// a toggle point in a simple loop.
// since I'm 100% positive the buffer is n bytes long, I can switch
// to pointer arithmetics and avoid Golang checks that an index has
// not exceeded an array capacity.
mask := MaskS
p := unsafe.Pointer(&data[0])
for ; i < n; i++ {
if i == NormalSize {
mask = MaskL
fp = (fp << 1) + G[*(*byte)(p)]
if (fp & mask) == 0 {
return i
p = unsafe.Pointer(uintptr(p) + 1)
return i
It may seem like a lot of work but the function being small to begin with, it was just a matter of thinking about the cost of each line and how to squeeze a bit of perfs, then benchmark a change and see if it brought significant gains or should be reverted before applying another change.
Implemented go-ultracdc
I wrote my go-fastcdc
implementation sometime in 2021,
and back then FastCDC was the state-of-the-art algorithm for CDC (as far as I knew).
I won’t spend much time explaining how it works, there’s a paper that’s readily available and that describes how it works and how it compares to others. Basically it was not a brand new method but a set of optimization applied to top of a previously published method to boost its performances.
I started using my package in plakar
and focused on other tasks,
given that CDC is very important but far from being the key feature,
so I didn’t pay attention when some of the researchers behind the FastCDC algorithm published a new paper describing the UltraCDC algorithm…
a few months later in 2022.
Unlike FastCDC, the UltraCDC method relies on a completely different approach rather than optimizations of an existing method, and announces chunking speed from 1.5 to 10x faster than the state-of-the-art CDC approaches, with comparable or higher deduplication ratio.
I couldn’t find the paper in the wild, it was hidden behind a racket-wall at IEEE, unavailable in the closest sci-hub. I couldn’t find how to contact the authors, so I eventually caved in and paid the ~$30 tax which is probably used to pay authors fairly (lol).
I eventually implemented the paper in a go-ultracdc
goos: darwin
goarch: arm64
Benchmark-8 48 24678812 ns/op 5438.58 MB/s 7929 chunks 131200 B/op 4 allocs/op
ok 1.662s
The results were initially lovely,
but it turns out that it doesn’t necessarily translates to better performances on my use-case.
As you can see, there are far less chunks,
because the average chunk size has slighly increased,
and for some reason this translates to slower backups in plakar
despite faster chunking.
I still need to investigate why to get an actual understanding beyond observations,
so at this point plakar
is still FastCDC-powered.
The go-ultracdc
implementation benefited from the optimizations made in the Next()
method for go-fastcdc
and some optimizations I had applied to the fastCDC
but unintuitively not all optimizations produced the same benefits and I reverted some to favour readability.
Anyways, at this point I had UltraCDC at hands and published an ISC-licensed implementation.
Implemented go-ringbuffer
A general performance bottleneck in CDC algorithms is that you are looking for cut points in a stream of bytes for which you have to read-ahead a certain amount.
Once you find a cut point in between the beginning of the buffer and the end of your read-ahead,
you end up with left-over bytes that should be the beginning of your next chunk.
A naive approach would be to move these left-over bytes at the beginning of the buffer,
but this means that at each iteration of the Next()
method you read the left-over bytes twice and copy them once.
An alternative would be to leave them where they are and allocate more memory behind to serve the next chunk,
which may or may not be possible and which may or may not impose a copy.
There are several ways to tackle this, each with pros and cons,
and an article on its own would be needed to discuss the topic.
in an effort to squeeze performances further,
I had the intuition that if I could replace the bufio.Reader
with a ringbuffer
it would boost performances by avoiding data shifting and buffer resizes.
A ring buffer is a buffer of fixed length which maintains cursors for the beginning and the end of data within that buffer, wrapping around the actual data end so that it may reach the end of buffer and continue at the beginning of the buffer as long as it doesn’t overlap with the beginning cursor again. I won’t explain much more, this Wikipedia article which I didn’t read probably does a better job at explaining it than me :-)

My assumption was that since a chunker will not return more than the maximum size of a chunk,
then a ringbuffer that’s the size of a maximum chunk can provide the guarantees I need without reallocations and without shifting.
If the ringbuffer is filled with MaxSize bytes,
the cutpoint is guaranteed to be somewhere between the beginning cursor and MaxSize,
when they are consumed it moves the cursor to the cutpoint and the ringbuffer can be refilled with as many bytes as were read starting from after the left-over bytes.
This avoids any shifting,
guarantees that there are no reallocations,
and basically seems optimal on paper.
you can control I/O pressure easily,
for example by assigning a ringbuffer size of 2 (or 3, or 4) * MaxSize,
ensuring that there are two chunks of read-ahead and reducing the frequency of having to refill the buffer and hitting the underlying Reader
The ringbuffer could be made to look like a Reader
so that it could be swapped wherever I needed easily,
and so I implemented go-ringbuffer
which provided the semantic I needed…
which proved to be one of the greatest idea I had ever had.
it turned out that my intuition was buillshit.
The performances dropped faster than the price of a Bored Ape NFT.
Performances are far better with bufio
and whatever it does than with the refilling required by my ringbuffer.
I have hypothesis that could explain why,
but I didn’t bother confirming yet because they seemed obvious to me in retrospect and I didn’t want to waste more time on this.
The ringbuffer implementation can still prove useful, just not for this specific use-case.
Merged go-fastcdc
and go-ultracdc
into go-cdc-chunkers
and switched plakar
to it#
Given that I already had two CDC implementations,
both following the same interface,
I decided to merge them into a common go-cdc-chunkers
project which is ISC-licensed.
This will allow me to reduce my workload by maintaining a single project, while making it easier to experiment with new CDC chunkers and malking sure that general optimizations apply to all my implementations.
A Golang package that implements CDC chunkers with a generic interface
Now that I had go-cdc-chunkers
available which would allow me to experiment with different CDC algorithms and settings,
I switched plakar
to using it as a dependency rather than go-fastcdc
It defaults to the FastCDC implementation,
but I no longer have to swap dependencies and imports all around whenever I want to test something.
Made compression and hashing algorithm configurable#
By default,
compresses data and indexes before they are sent to the repository.
This makes sense since CDC deduplication is a kind of compression,
and I can’t see a reason why you’d want to CDC deduplicate but not compress.
I chose gzip
as the compression method primarily because during development it was easy to gzcat
a chunk in the repository and make sure3 it was as expected:
most modern systems comes with several tools that manipulate gzip
files easily (zcat
, zless
, …).
But as I started working on various optimizations,
I profiled plakar
and realised that gzip
was much heavier than I originally assumed.
I gave a test to lz4
which is a good trade-off,
and which improved the profile considerably…
so I decided to make the compression algorithm selectable at the repository level and use lz4
by default now that I no longer spend so much time inspecting chunks manually.
Right now,
only gzip
and lz4
are available,
but the plumbing to allow future improvements is there now.
% plakar create -compression gzip
Since had I already made compression configurable,
I decided to do the same with the hashing algorithm since plakar
relies HEAVILY on hashing.
At this point,
it was not so much about efficiency and performances,
but more about getting the plumbing right so if I had to change the algorithm tomorrow due to a security weakness in sha256
it wouldn’t require a huge refactor.
I decided to implement a Hashing layer,
whose algorithm is selected at the repository level,
and adapted the code to rely on that method rather than calling sha256
directly when needed.
To validate my test,
I created a repository configured to use blake3
rather than sha256
and validated that it works.
This is an easy case because I selected a 32-bytes digest for both,
but it’s a first step towards the direction of not hardcoding a method.
As of now,
the index layer expects digests to be 32-bytes long,
and it would require a bit of work to dynamically pick a specific index structure based on the digest length.
It’s very likely an hour of work or so,
I just don’t have an incentive to spend that hour now,
particularly because I’m doing other things with the index at the moment and don’t want two simultaneous projects on the same layer.
So now,
you can technically switch a repository to use blake3
which is faster and more efficient on resources,
even though at the moment I prefer to keep sha256
the default as I have had no look at the current state of crypto in a while and can’t take a proper decision on this by myself at the moment.
Initial support for a plakar config
A problem with plakar
currently is that it doesn’t support a configuration file,
so there’s no way to keep the command line short.
For example, I have a repository on my NAS, and if I want to push to it then my command line is:
% plakar on ssh:// push /home/gilles
If I want to synchronize this with another repository, I’d need to provide the two URLS:
% plakar on ssh:// sync to ssh://
So I began basic support for an OPTIONAL configuration file,
which is absolutely not required but allows storing informations that can be resolved by plakar.
I chose a yaml
format and plugged a config
similar to git config
to populate the configuration.
For now it’s not really used, but I did a proof of concept to show how it could work, allowing the setting of a name for repository:
% plakar config repository nas location ssh://
% plakar config repository offsite location ssh://
which would turn the previous commands into:
% plakar on @nas push /home/gilles
% plakar on @nas sync to @offsite
This is just the beginning and I may change my mind a lot around how this is meant to be used, feel free to command and share ideas.
One idea I already have is that the configuration may be read from a different backend then ~/.plakarconfig
allowing it to be shared from a central configuration to a set of users.
It was prepared to support this even though it’s not in my plans at the moment.
Lots of work on the index format#
I spent a fair amount of time working in improving the index format with two goals:
- reducing the memory footprint as the index needs to fit in memory
- while making it possible for future work to shard the index
Summing up the work is hard because there’s been a TON of experimenting and maths to estimate scaling, as well as a LOT of braindump on my discord server, but I’m not finished even though I have an already clear path where I’m going with this.
After a week of work, I almost halved the memory required to fit the index, and it is mostly shardable at this point. There are many ideas that still need to go in before I’m happy.
The best features in plakar
are really dependant on the ability of having an efficient index.
I could immediately give up on this and provide very fast backup and recovery,
by dropping the index,
but this would mean that features like file-level restore,
diff between files in different snapshots,
the snapshots browser or even search would go away.
In my bigger plan, the index is a key element of snapshots, and it is essential that I take proper time to make it scalable WAY BEYOND expectations both in terms of resources required to operate and access time.
At the current time,
can backup pretty much any volume of data,
but backups > 100G already require around 1GB of RAM to create and as much to restore … with an additional overhead of deserializing the index in memory.
This is what I’m currently working on optimizing,
because once it falls in a reasonnsable range,
we get scalable backups with a TON of nice features that are instant-time for the most part.
Refactor snapshots and storage layers#
A snapshot consists of METADATA
, an INDEX
Each one covers a specific kind of data access:
is for summaries,
is for finding the chunks necessary to reconstruct a specific object behind a filename regardless of filesystem structure,
is for browsing through a filesystem structure and obtaining stat info regardless of actual data.
it could be summarised as:
if you want a summary, you’re using the METADATA
if you want to access data, you’re using the INDEX
if you want to browse files and see how they are related one to another, you’re using the FILESYSTEM
So when you list all your snapshots,
you actually access their METADATA
when you call plakar ls
on a specific snapshot you access its FILESYSTEM
and when you call plakar cat
on a specific file you access the INDEX
This wasn’t entirely true because the INDEX
contained the three of them before I did a split,
and there were leftovers from the move.
So a first refactor was to manage to make the INDEX
completely unaware of the filesystem structure,
removing anything unnecessary to shrink it,
while also making sure that I could reconstruct a file from a pathname using the INDEX
only without ever loading the FILESYSTEM
and without replicating all pathnames from the FILESYSTEM
in the index.
The second issue is that the snapshot object in the snapshot layer assumed the loading of METADATA
so whenever loading a snapshot to perform a command like plakar cat
or plakar ls
there would be an unnecessary overhead in memory consumption but also in terms of time necessary to load this info and deserialize in memory.
Most notably,
plakar cat
relied on snapshot.NewReader(pathname string)
which exposes a reader that fetches chunks as they’re accessed,
but given that it’s exposed from snapshot,
plakar cat
requires the loading of METADATA
when all it needs is in INDEX
There was no easy fix,
a refactor was needed so that the Reader
is a storage reader taking an index in parameter,
allowing to obtain a Reader
from the storage as long as you have an index regardless if you have a snapshot.
To achieve this required doing a LOT of other simplications in the snapshot and storage layers, which was… tricky… but ultimately it works: the code is simpler and it paves the road for better performances.
I updated plakar ls
and plakar cat
so the first one can work with a FILESYSTEM
without loading the INDEX
and the second can work with an INDEX
without loading a FILESYSTEM
this reduces memory requirements and is essentially a proof of concept that plakar
now allows finer granularity on what it needs to peek into a backup depending on the operation it does.
I still need to adapt all commands, which will take a little while, but it’s a transparent change: commands work the same, they just become faster and more memory efficient when they get converted to use the proper API calls.
What’s next ?#
Quite obviously my main area of work at the moment is the INDEX
as I have many plans for it,
some I’m willing to disclose,
other I want to keep private for the time being.
I’m currently assessing the idea of creating a company around plakar
providing an ISC-licensed opensource version that covers most users needs and which would be fairly similar to what plakar
showcases currently,
and a premium-licensed version for the corporate world with a ton of feature no one needs unless they work with teams and manage >TB of data.
Lots of documentation is being written, targeting potential investors, but also allowing me to clear my mind and write down the costs, strategies and related stuff.
Stay tuned !
Hold up! Before we dive deeper, let’s demystify CDC a bit. CDC stands for Content-Defined Chunking. Imagine you’re trying to find the best places to split a chocolate bar so that each piece has a nut (or not, if you’re not into that). That’s kinda what CDC does, but with data. Cool, huh?
The FastCDC algorithm is a nifty tool used for content-defined chunking. Think of it as a way to split data into chunks based on the content, rather than fixed sizes. Super useful for things like deduplication!