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Welcome to you, 2013

·404 words·2 mins·
Gilles Chehade
Gilles Chehade
I’m not a cat.
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I know I should have posted a “Happy New Year” note earlier but you know how it is: new year eve’s aftermath, days to recover, work resumes, mood slacks, bleh.

Anyway, today’s note is simply about that: wishing you and me an awesome year 2013 and hoping you will not turn it into a fucking mess. After all, you’re in charge so we know who to blame ;-)

As far as I’m concerned, year 2012 wasn’t “great”, it was not the absolute suck either, it was even quite decent. I resumed music more seriously; started sponsoring two little kids in Lebanon and Palestine; moved to a nicer place in Paris; played some metal with my friends of Spinach Blast; visited my family and friend in Lebanon; hacked and shared burgers with fellow OpenBSD hackers in Hungary; ate a fair share of ice-creams in Nice, southern France; visited buddies in Nantes, western France; sadly left great co-workers and friends at a company … to join a fun crew at a new company and work on my own project for a few months.

Ok, despite some down times, 2012 was a very decent year actually… I probably missed a lot of things too, it was a busy year ;-)

2013 will be an even better year I hope.

I’m supposed to spend the next few months working full-time on OpenSMTPD to make it fit the needs of my employer; by then, I will be done with paying back my car which will effectively set me free from bank slavery; this will of course happen right before I move back to Nantes from where I’ll work remotely for my employer on new challenging tasks that are less OpenSMTPD-centric; and being away from Paris will allow me to save enough money by the end of the year to try and convince my banker to enslave me for a couple decades so I can buy an appartment with a view on the Erdre river. Pffffiou…

That’s the plan at least and I guess we’ll see next year how it went ;-)

Meanwhile, enters its 6th year of providing free services based on open-source software to its little community of users. No changes planned on that front besides maybe more services and a more active blog that’s a bit more diverse than my OpenSMTPD hacking summaries.

For the time being, you g{al,uy}s have fun and I’ll just zZzZz

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